Does Invisalign Work for Everyone?

Article By Remarkable Smiles Orthodontics.

Some of us are born with perfect teeth but most of us require some help. You may need to wear braces and usually parents do this while kids are younger. It is perfectly okay for adults to get braces though. Even those in their forties can get braces though teeth will move easier when someone is younger.

If you’ve got spaces in your teeth or some teeth are crooked, braces can be exactly the right solution. Those in the professional world understand the importance of a perfect smile. It instills confidence and usually surveys have found that those with a great looking smile come off as more trustworthy.

The first question you may have is what type of braces to get. Invisalign is so popular today. These are clear plastic aligners that are barely noticeable. They are easy to wear and they won’t cause any oral discomfort. Some people are not good candidates for invisible aligners. There are certain types of issues that can only be solved with traditional metal braces.

In order to learn if you’d be a good candidate for Invisalign, it’s necessary to make an appointment with your orthodontist. He or she will examine your teeth, take x-rays, then talk to you about what you’d like done. After that, the orthodontist will discuss the cost. Invisalign is usually around $2,000 more expensive than metal braces. You can use your medical savings account to pay for this.

Article written by Remarkable Smiles Orthodontics. Remarkable Smiles has excellent dentists and technicians available for care. Dr. Mark Rashidi is an Orthodontist in Lake Forest. He offers services to surrounding cities including Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Irvine. Dr. Mark is experienced with all types of braces including Invisalign, traditional metal braces and ceramic braces.

Does Invisalign Work for Everyone?by adminon.Does Invisalign Work for Everyone?Article By Remarkable Smiles Orthodontics. Some of us are born with perfect teeth but most of us require some help. You may need to wear braces and usually parents do this while kids are younger. It is perfectly okay for adults to get braces though. Even those in their forties can get braces though teeth […]

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